I use this twitter to connect professionally, as well as for tweeting at conferences (I am learning it is actually quite fun). I follow mostly EM doctors and FOAM-ed (Free Open Access Medical Education) people. I use my twitter as an educational source, somewhere to get additional information and learn on the fly. I regularly search the #FOAM to see what is going on in that world. I also use # for conferences to follow along. (the application TweetDeck is great for this!)
I help manage another twitter account @UCIrvineEM, it is our residency programs twitter where we post bit-sized Emergency Medicine FOAM-ed facts, typically twice a day. I actually find this to be a bit more fun.
Overall I can see the educational benefits for twitter, and am slowly learning to enjoy it!
Q1: Do you or do you not use twitter for educational purposes, why or why not?
A1: As I said above I do, but mostly only for my education, I need to work on having a better social media presence and posting more education facts to my personal twitter. I think it is a great educational opportunity, be it to give reminders about papers/tests or to provide educational snippets.
Q2: What problems do you see yourself encountering if you choose to use twitter for educational purposes?
A2: I think that if I were to post education tidbits on my personal account I might become quickly overwhelmed trying to have enough content and posting regularly. I prefer to consume with my personal account and post with our residency account (because several of us manage it, its easier to have posts regularly).
I really like to bake. I made this cake for my besties wedding! The base is a Guinness chocolate cake, the middle is almond weeding cake and the top is red velvet!